I have the following Tek Instruction Manuals sitting here. I would
like to free up the space they are consuming. If someone wants to make
it worth my while to spend the time shipping them out, I will
entertain offers. Otherwise, I will dump them in the recycling.
Preference will go to the fewest number of boxes I have to deal with
and, of course, compensation offered. I will accept offers until
Sunday (28th) evening. I will ship or recycle Monday.
Shipping from 53714.
7904 Oscilloscope operators
7904 Oscilloscope Service
7A13 Differential Comparator
7A19 Amplifier
7A26 Dual Trace Amplifier
7B92A Dual Time Base
7B80 Time Base
7B85 Delaying Time Base
7M11 50-Ohm Delay Line
S-6 Sampling Head
S-52 Pulse Generator Head
S-53 Trigger Recognizer Head
C-5C Camera
2215 Oscilloscope Service
P6056/P6057 Probe
P6131 Passive Probe
P6460 Data Acquisition Probe
K212 Portable Instrument Cart
1240 Workbook
I also have "data sheets" for the following items:
P6063B Passive Probe
200C Scope-Mobile Cart