Hi Steve...
Thank you for the reply. I am still exploring some options that have
surfaced since I sent out this message... and they are closer to home
so I will run those to ground before branching out.
Seems silly but it might be easier to scavenge the connector off the back
of a dead RL01 or RL02 and make it into the transition than to find the
actual transition!
Did the transition (which I'm sure has a more proper DEC name) originally
come with the RL01/02? The RL11 or equiv controller? or with the rack?
On Monday (11/08/2010 at 04:51PM +0100), Steve Maddison wrote:
On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 7:46 PM, Chris Elmquist
<chrise at pobox.com> wrote:
My next mission will be to get the pair of RL02
running... ?but I need
some parts for that.
Does anyone have,
? ? ? ?front panel indicator covers:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?qty 2 ? ?FAULT
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1 ? ?LOAD
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1 ? ?READY #1
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1 ? ?WRITE PROT
? ? ? ?round cable for drive to drive connection
I can probably help you out with some of these parts if you don't have
any luck finding them more locally (I'm in the Netherlands). I
definitely have a drive-to-drive cable lying around.
? ? ? ?transition from flat cable leaving RL11 to
round cable going to
? ? ? ?drives
I have one round cable to connect one drive... ?but without the transition,
I'm kinda stuck unless I go inside the drives and convert everything to
flat cable and connectors.
From your description it sounds like you're
familiar with the bulkhead
with a short cable ending in a Berg connector. I've
also seen round
cables with a Berg at one end and the connector for the first drive at
the other. At a push you could build the latter using an existing
cable, providing your own Berg connector. The originals have a big
meaty grounding strap at the Berg end, but I'm not sure how essential
that may be.
Steve Maddison