On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 4:40 PM, Cindy Croxton Electronics Plus
<sales at elecplus.com> wrote:
I have the Apple II floppy drives, single and dual,
any use there?
For me, no. I have a pretty good stack of those already. it's the
19-pin Mac drives that I could use a couple of. I had one long ago,
but the drive mech died then a friend lost the cable from it that I
loaned him, etc., etc.
A 128K Mac with only an internal drive is a sad thing. :-/
I will pass your list on.
It's unlikely because they were unpopular, but a specific Amiga I'm
casually looking for is the CDTV - the one in the black "audio
component" case. It's essentially an Amiga 500 with CD-ROM that looks
like a VCR or stereo receiver. I had one that was stolen (fully paid
for by insurance) but that I never actually replaced. I have a CD32
hooked up at home right now, but the CDTV is an interesting footnote
in Commodore's history.
If you didn't spot the Commodore logo, you probably wouldn't notice it
was a computer if you saw it in a stack of stuff.