replying to Grumpy Ol' Fred (Fred Cisin)
I wonder what happened to the class action suit and
the regulatory actions?
Google found
Rinaldi Class Action Settlement
Wikipedia clarifies that the settlement was a rebate
towards the future purchase of an Iomega product.
What a ripoff! They made a faulty product and instead of
paying a penalty with real money, they issued "funny money" coupons
useful only for BUYING more of their crap!
The Sharper Image pulled a similar ripoff during their bankruptcy.
All gift cards were invalidated, but were then honored
ONLY if you paid an equal amount towards a purchase.
What a steal: turning perhaps $100 million of debt
from pre-purchased gift cards into a matching-grant
to get another $100 million for their overpriced stuff :-/
Long ago, a fellow was so pissed off with his Vydek
word processor that he sponsored a floppy-flinging contest
for his stock of 8" floppies.
We ought to have a similar contest for Iomega products!