On Wed, 27 Sep 2006, Julian Wolfe wrote:
I'm trying to organize my PDP11 setup in a neat
and tidy fashion, and I'm
wondering, aside from the DEC transition panels which would be ideal, what
sort of multi medium transition panels are there that I can attach things
like multiple RS232 ports and SCSI connectors, etc to?
The idea I'm after is something akin to the keystone patch panels, but with
things like full RS232-DB25 that just attach with a plate or something, much
like the DEC panels. Anyone seen anything like this?
Have you considered
http://www.frontpanelexpress.com/? They have a free
(beer) app with which you design any sort of panel you like. Then you
upload the design file and get a panel in the post anywhere from one day
to a week or two later.
David Griffith
dgriffi at
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