You guys should contact my friend Jonas Andersson on
jonas.andersson(a) He used to collect old PDP11-stuff and has a
box or two with PDP11/34-boards that he would love to get rid of.
On onsdag, aug 28, 2002, at 19:43 Europe/Stockholm, Patrick Finnegan
On Wed, 28 Aug 2002, Tom Uban wrote:
Thanks Bob. Yep, I am always looking for extra
spares for the 11/35.
Patrick indicated
in private email "Sorry, the 11/40 boards got claimed by a better
:)". I guess that
my offer and previous generosity (with the RL02 terminator) didn't
add up...
Well when you get offered basically everything you need to build a new
11/73 (cpu, memory, disk controller, etc) for it vs a terminator + a
well, you do the math... I'm just greedy I guess.
-- Pat