On Tue, 18 Oct 2005 16:51:22 +0100
Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
woodelf wrote:
Jules Richardson wrote:
Yeah, Logo's more technicolour retarded, with a big flashing light on
top :-)
Now what about LEGO ... I Know they have something computer controled
with the stupid high-priced building blocks?
Yeah... I remember seeing some Lego again a couple of years ago and it
was kinda depressing - it seemed to be nearly all custom pieces specific
to the model bought. Back when I was a kid all the bits were generic -
so there was a lot more scope for ignoring what Lego wanted you to build
and doing your own thing!
You can still buy big tubs of generic Lego bricks. There are even two or three sizes of
big tubs to choose from in major stores. The 'theme kit' Legos is just where they
appear to be making their bigger markup at present.
I must admit that some of the robotic stuff looks
pretty cool - but it
still doesn't compare to the old days of bodging on motors and stuff
scavenged from various devices :)
I am convinced that someone needs to start a 'hobby' industry based on making
robots from salvaged parts. All the electomechanical bits you need to make some really
cool robotics can be salvaged from a bunch of old diskette drives. I have been
accumulating a big pile of Macintosh 'super drives' for just such projects in the
Speaking of which, has anybody ever cobbled up a non-Apple interface to run said
SuperDrives? It would seem feasible and like a worthwhile thing to have.