Mike Ford <mikeford(a)socal.rr.com> wrote:
I think your
sister has the right answer. Tell her to notify me of the
tragic event and I'll bring a dumpster over.
This is amusing I suppose, until the first list members start to die. The
topic deserves serious discussion.
Hi Mike
He was serious. Make sure that you make it clear in your
will that you consider the disposition of your collection
a serious part of handling your estate. One might even include
the threat of giving them the choice of getting it done
right or all of the estate would go to charity ( including
the money!! ). This often helps. Also, it is a good idea to
choose an executor that you can trust to deal with things.
You can do this before you die as well.
It sounds like the sister would be a poor choice. Until
the will's conditions are taken care of, it is as though
you were still alive and it was your estate to do with
as you please ( lawyers always make it sound like the
heirs have some say but a will is a will).