I would normally not post such a lame question to this list but I need
help desparately and don't have time to go wading through a haystack for a
needle. Its bad enough I have to keep re-visiting this problem of windows
deciding to kill itself every few months for the joy of it.
My IP stack is hosed on my Win95 machine. When I try to ping any host I
get "Transmit failed, error code 10091". If I try to run WINIPCFG I get
"Fatal error: cannot read IP configuration".
Since MS is fucked and doesn't have any sort of technical documentation
anywhere useful that would list these errors I must now try to go
searching for what this bullshit means. Unless you already have the
This started to happen after I had to re-install windows over the existing
install, because it all of a sudden started coming up with a "Windows
exception" during boot and would not boot any further.
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar(a)siconic.com
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[Last web site update: 05/25/99]