On 19 Apr 1999, none other than Sellam Ismail <dastar(a)ncal.verio.com> himself
] I don't see what the big attraction to a core plane is. You stick it on
] your wall. Whoopee! Look at me, I have a core plane on my wall. Big
] fricken deal. Nobody even knows what it is anyway. From afar it looks
] like a black square. Closer up it looks like a piece of a window screen.
] Unfortunately, my rant is not going to stop the lame-o's selling it from
] hyping it up as some cool collectable, and it's not going to stop the
] techno-wannabees from buying it to stick on their wall.
So what kind of wall hanging is more appropriate for a geek?
Besides, where the heck am I going to find the rest of a Univac
to plug it into? I like the "bait" theory and all, but...
And too, I'd wager that most of your collection is of the "look at
that" variety. You can't tell me you actually _use_ more than a
handful of them. I've seen your schedule, remember?
And let's not drag bubble memory into it, eh?
Nyah, nyah, and nyah.