Yes, but if we had a collective database where
everyone registered
their serial numbers, such things would be visible again.
No, you will still miss lots of holes, simply because you just will not
have a large enough sample. A database has helped with research like this
(or for just plain fun, as mentioned before) - just the results should not
be taken too seriously.
There is a database of surviving DEC 36 bitters out there on the web. One
problem is that often people with machines do not want it known, in some
shape or form, and this throws ofdf the sample. I think that list has a
few entries with deleted serials.
I once did get a good sample for doing such a thing - they were radio
control boxes for a 1930s bomber. I figure I had something like four or
five percent of the entire production run, which is a very large sample. I
found that there were big holes, some parts with nice even distributions,
and even a repeat serial number. What I learned from this is that it is
hard to learn anything from this.
William Donzelli
aw288 at