When I think about it, the MITS 8800 had connector
punchouts for DB25
*only* in the back panel. DB25 seemed to be the lingua franca back
then for hobbyist interfaces. If one had an 8" floppy drive, one ran
the ribbon cable right through the crack between the back panel and
the case cover directly to the controller card(s). No DD50s.
I have an S100 amchine called a CASU Super C. It contains a Cromemco CPU
board, some other stnadard 64K RAM bvoard, a Micromation Doubler disk
controller and CASU-designed boot ROM and seiral interface boards.
The disk drive (a Persci) is in a separate box. The 50 wire interface
cable is split down the middle adn connected to a pair of DB25s...