Hello David
I saw your posting on the cctalk mailing list regarding RSX180.
It is Hector Peraza that's been tinkering with this. He intends making the
full source-code available via SourceForge or GitHub but is still working
on preliminary web pages and documenting etc. No doubt he will provide you
with more details.
I've been tinkering with a Z280 system designed by Bill Shen (the Z280RC on
the RetroBrew web site at
https://www.retrobrewcomputers.org/doku.php?id=builderpages:plasmo:z280rc )
and have contacted Hector about porting it to the Z280.
A Z180 system is also on my hobbyist "to-do" list. Should you decide to
produce another run I'd be interested in one. Most likely I'd use a
CompactFlash on IDE interface and an GoTek style floppy emulator with it.
Tony Nicholson <tony.nicholson at computer.org>