The discussion re: SBC6120 got me thinking (something
I try hard to do only on special occasions! :> )
It's disturbing that it seems so hard for the OP
to scrape up enough interest to justify parts for
another build.
Which brings me to my question(s)...
*Why* aren't people interested in this sort of thing?
- lack of interest (i.e. PDP8? what's *that*??)
- lack of collector appeal ("Ah, but it's not a REAL '8!")
- lack of space ("Hand me a shovel; I'm digging a sub-basement")
- lack of CASH (<frown>)
- lack of skills ("Now, *which* end of the iron do I hold??")
- lack of time ("Honey, little Bobby set himself on fire, again.
Can you please put it out?")
In my case, it's a combination of lack of interest and lack of money....
This kit would cost around $150 I beliece. OK, I could afford that, but I
would perhaps not be able to buy some tools I wanted or something like
that. And while I enjoy electronic hardware, soldering up a PCB is not
_that_ interesting unless I've been designing it. And I have a PDP8/e on
my desk anyway (a real one, not a PC running an emulator, before anyone
I'd spend more than that on one of my own projects, because I enjoy the
design/debugging part.