>> --Have
pointers on replacing the battery pack on the 55?
>> (it seems to be 3 AAA nicads)
Yes. Replace the cells with other nicad cells. Forget LiIon, NiMH and
all the other types. Buy GOOD NiCads and they'll last for many years. My
personal preference is the >>>>>>>>>> Japanese made
Sanyo batteries. Don't let them substitute the Mexican made Sanyos or
Chinese made trash!!!!! Don't let them tell you that even the Japanese
marked batteries are made in Mexico of that the Mexican made bateries are
the same as the Japanese made ones, THEY'RE NOT! FWIW I have a set of
Sanyos that I bought in Thailand in 1974 that are still useable.
I'd agree with that my Commodore calculator has Sanyo CADNICAS in it from
the same era - N500AAF types.
I tend to charge them outside the calculator these days though.
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