If it helps any a Terry, I'll make you the same offer I made Jimmy Maher, free tickets
at the desk for VCFSE. Just show up and claim them!
Brad Arnold
President & Cofounder, Atlanta Historical Computing Society
Sent from my handheld computing device
On Mar 27, 2014, at 8:04 PM, "Terry Stewart"
<terry at webweavers.co.nz> wrote:
Welcome to the list.
It's on my bucket list to go to something like VCF East one day.
Unfortunately it's some distance from New Zealand. (-: Hopefully it will
still be going when I tap those retirement savings.
terry (Tez)T
> On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 12:29 PM, David Riley <fraveydank at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mar 27, 2014, at 6:10 PM, K Ruhe wrote:
>> For now, I'll just add that I currently live in NY, and I'm looking
> forward
>> to attending VCF East, which will be my first VCF. Maybe I'll even get to
>> meet some of you there. OK, I'm shy, so I'm just going to tiptoe back
>> of here now...
> Welcome! I think you'll like VCF East. If you're not on it
> already, you should consider joining the MARCH mailing list
> (midatlanticretro on Yahoo! groups); MARCH hosts it, so
> there's a lot of traffic on it currently regarding the show.
> It's going to be a really good one. I'm personally looking
> forward to getting my C128 signed by both Bil Herd AND Dave
> Haynie, but there will be a lot of really cool stuff going
> on in general!
> - Dave