Sorry, but locked up and sliding is not the quickest
stop. Actually,
hitting an immovable object is, but I cannot recommend that either.
- don
Eeek. Well yeah, nothing beats the sudden decelleration of hitting a
object. As I think about it, I'm not entirely sure skidding isn't less
efficient than keeping the tire right at the skid point. My reason is thinking
about what happens to brakes as they heat up - they loose the ability to
grip. If the same thing happens to the tire as you skid, you'd expect
it to grip LESS well than a tire at the threshold of skidding because it's
being pumped hundreds of times a second by a computer. I'm an English
major, not a physicist (Damn it Jim, I'm a writer, not an engineer!) so I'm
basically guessing at this point.
Jim Strickland
Vote Meadocrat! Bill and Opus in 2000 - Who ELSE is there?