On 5 Jul 2009 at 10:43, Ray Arachelian wrote:
I only got to use this service a few times back in my
younger days,
and even then, only with the demo accounts, and that at 300 baud (yes,
baud, not just BPS.) I really couldn't afford their insane prices, but
from what I saw back in the day, it was a huge, vast place with lots
of goodies.
For me, (76130, 1400, if memory serves), CIS was a mainstay. Lots of
companies used it to communicate to their customers. Need to get a
registration number for your 16-bit Windows device driver? You could
submit the request online on CIS, for example. I was a heavy user of
the $8.95/month text-only service and it was a bargain particularly
in that I coiuld send and receive Usenet email in addition to CIS's