Mattis said
I have two RK05J-AA as part of a system that I guess
has been imported used
form the US. A DC-10 simulator.
The only difference is the pulley, the motor position and a 230 / 115 V
jumper inside.
Is there anyone in 60Hz land that has the opposite problem and want to
trade two spindle pulleys?
The good thing for me that I would guess that it possible to use a lathe to
get the diameter down to the correct 50Hz diameter. On the other hand going
from 50Hz to 60 Hz is tougher...
Then there is a PC05 that has the wrong number of grooves on the motor
pulley. Apparently it should be 16 instead of 20.
Now in 50Hz land the only difference is that the punch would be slower than
it should be. Using a 50Hz punch in 60Hz area might get you into problems,
so maybe there is someone here as well that want to do a trade?
I relish these sorts of problems. If you have a digital caliper to take some
measurements and could sketch it up roughly, I can draw it up in CAD. Photos
would help determine how complicated the machining job would be.
I wonder if a 3D printed one might work? A pulley couldn't be too challenging
depending on how it is fixed to the spindle. If by grubscrews then that would
require a metal boss or flange as the plastic would not likely be be strong
enough for grubscrew threads to withstand the torque. However if it's just clamped
with a large axial nut and washer on the spindle it could be ok.
Of course if you can trade for the right ones, that would be best of all :)