Ethan Dicks wrote:
Something you should probably do is take the lid off and record the
number from the sticker on the boot ROM. Long ago, when I got Kaypro
disks directly from Don Maslin, he needed that number from me to know
exactly what disk to send me. My experience with CP/M and Kaypros is
rather superficial so I can't say what's different from model to model
or version to version, but I can report that knowing your exact
machine configuration seems to be important.
The sticker says 81-478.
The mainboard is assembly #81-809, and has quite a few unstuffed
components in the upper right corner
According to this site:
It uses the Universal ROM and must run CP/M 2.2U1
It's unclear to me which of the images on Dave's site would work. I
suppose I can try all of them (the system disks from the KII, the K3*83,
the K4, and the K10), but I'm not sure if I'll know whether the issues
is an system mismatch or a drive issue.