I need to clear out my office at the college (I AM NOW RETIRED!)
I want to get rid of most of 75 boxes.
If anybody resells this crap for megabucks, then I would like an informal
promise of 1% of any amount over $1000, AND that you then come visit
A lot of this crap will end up dumpstered.
For example, who wants a giant binder containing a xerox of the
"PC-DOS 3.00 Technical Reference Manual" and xerox of most of the
"AT Technical Reference" (first versions - prob'ly NOT pre-release,
but before they were available retail)?
or handful of old issues of Nuts And Volts?
a few OEP? (Japanese English language computer mag)
or the Microtimes with Bob Wallace on the cover? (I can't find a current
contact for Megan Dana-Wallace)
"Laffer Utilities"?
Windows 3.10 Software Development Kit "Guide To Programming" (don't know
yet where the rest of the SDK is)?
Research Institute Of America, "Guide to Sales and Use taxes 1993"?
I may keep the "Pocket Pal : Graphic Arts Production Handbook", the
Oregon highway map, BOB, and the Twin Towers version of MS "Flight
Simulator" (where do you s'pose Osama got the idea?)
But, that's the FIRST of more than 6 dozen such boxes.
Howzbout: a counter "catalog rack" with the HEAVILY used manuals from the
college computer lab, including PC-DOS 2.00, MASM 1.0, PC Tech Ref 1.0?,
Periscope? (Brett Salter's NMI based debugger with ISA non-volatile RAM
to be able to load his debugger (or DEBUG) and force a jump to it when
anything is stuck in a loop. Not to be confused with the "IBM
Professional Debug Facility" which was an entire small ISA card to hold a
pushbutton (same functionality, but no protection of the RAM wherte the
debugger was loaded)
PCDT? [Todd Fischer's] Diagnostic ROM to replace BIOS, and with
hardware preconfigured ISA serial card.
There are more hardware and software debuggin tools, including many POST
cards, but I don't know when/if any of them will surface - a few things
disappeared during the three previous moves.
What would anybody pay for a complete set of "PC Tech Journal"?
(if/when those boxes show up)
Wouldn't somebody like to end up like Sellam, and haul away massive
quantitites from my storage to yours?
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at