Here's a response I received today from the Pioneer Anomaly team, the
folks who have the data tapes from the Pioneer missions that were at risk
of being lost:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 14:08:24 -0700
From: Bruce Betts <tpsbb at>
To: Vintage Computer Festival <vcf at>
Subject: re: The Pioneer Anomaly
Thanks to preliminary contributions from members, the Pioneer Anomaly team
have been able to confirm that data can be retrieved successfully from the
old data tapes using the existing machine at JPL. We greatly appreciate
your offer, but don't think it will be necessary as the tests have been
successful so far. We will keep you in mind however and I will pass your
information along to the team.
We have also established a two phase plan with the team. Phase 1 is
underway now: data recovery and validation, which will take several months
of tedious work. Phase 2 will be a period of intensive data analysis to
carefully search for the source of the anomaly.
Thank you for your interest. FYI, more information on the Pioneer Anomaly
and things related to our Pioneer Anomaly special appeal can be found
Bruce Betts
Bruce Betts, Ph.D.
Director of Projects
The Planetary Society, Ph:626-793-5100
The Planetary Society is the largest space interest group on Earth. The
Society is non-profit and non-governmental. See for
more information.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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