Lance Lyon wrote:
are speaking about writing "Unix for 6502" -now-... What about
UNIX-128 was released for the C128.
// //
I don't think Unix 128 is multi-tasking. I'm not sure, though, because
it didn't run in VICE or MESS when I last tried (does anyone know if
there is an emulator that can run it?). I think it is something like a
Unixish "shell" written in BASIC.
There is also LUnix/LNG, which is a full multitasking operating system
for the C64 and C128 which resembles a Unix (although it isn't quite
what I would consider a true Unix).
CP/M card's , do they count as a OS. :)
I suspect any OS using the 6502 can't have multi-tasking OS
because you can't change page 0 or the stack page.