i recently got a MAI Basic Four 210 from the Netherlands. The CPU now
powers up, have not yet tried the 14" Piram harddisk.
I would like to know if the CPU is working. It seems to be based on a
microdata 1600 but equiped with dram and cmos ROMs.
The machine has switches were it can be set to boot standard/alternate
from disk, tape or from a serial terminal. Since
the tape drive has a capstan roller transformed to liquid and i have not
yet tested the disk i would like to know how to
boot from a terminal.
I have not yet read the microcode proms nor have i checked if they are
soldered or on sockets.
Does someone out there have access to the cpu manuals that are stated in
the service manual ?
1300 CPU Technical Manual, Document No. SM 1200
M1300 Series CPU Organisation and Description Reference Manual
Pictures from the machine are here:
and the manuals are on bitsavers in pdf/mai, the service manual also
contains the cpu schematics, the ones for the tape
controller and the disk controller are included in the tape / disk
service manuals.
What do you think are the chances to get the disk up and running. (since
i have no tapes of other software)
All seems to be stored dry, no rust, nor a lot of dirt in the machine.
Seemd to be powered on the last time more than 15 years ago.
Armin Diehl
ad at ardiehl.de