On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Ram Meenakshisundaram wrote:
I want to start scanning some of the transputer books
and manuals that I
have. A lot if not all are out-of-print. If I scan them and put them on
the net, do I have to worry about copyright laws, etc. Would I get into any
trouble?? What is the current policy on this?? I know several of you guys
scanned several books/documentation/manuals etc for various machines. Any
help in this would be appreciated. Oh, what about old software too.
Whether it's out of print or not, if it's copyrighted, you need permission
from the copyright holder before you do this. Even if
the company that
registered the copyright is out of business - if the company's
assets were
liquidated, the copyright was transferred to someone.
So, you need to locate the copyright holder(s) and get permission. The
hardest part (especially for old stuff) might be finding the copyright
holder. Find them, and get them to send you permission (in writing, if at
all possible) before you put their docs up on the web. You could very
well find them to be receptive to your request.
One exception seems to be DEC/Compaq, as they apparently gave blanket
permission to reproduce documentation for out-of-production hardware.
Don't know what Compaq's current stand on this is, though ...