Replying to Terry who uses the a pass-through paper tape emulator and a
qbasic app to bootstrap. Copying the list...
Thanx for the comments. :)
Does the QBasic app do anything more than just copy the bytes? Ie: is
the PIC expecting a new format?
The method I use at the moment is that I have a 12531 set to 2400 baud
in slot 11. I'm also using this as a console once I have hp basic or
similar running.
I'm running Linux so then I run stty thusly:
# stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0
which sets raw, clearing everything else and setting 2400 8n2
I set S to 001100, preset, ibl, run and the I use:
which shows some useful (useless?) information on stderr and dumps char
by char to stdout with a usleep() in between to get around the lack of
flow control. Thusly:
$ ./abscopy < basic1.abs > /dev/ttyUSB0
and everything loads up fine.
The paper tape bootloader does not expect to talk to a 12531, but works
as the 12531 inits to a state where it'll read the bytes. ie: the
software interface looks the same.
The downside of this is that I need to change the port setup in order to
talk to basic as it does not expect 8n2.
I may well look into using the BACI and the 264x loader, but I don't
(yet?) have a rom for that, and I expect it will require 2 serial ports.
Not a big deal I suppose. :)
Tim Riker - - TimR at
Embedded Linux Technologist -
BZFlag maintainer - - for fun!