I suppose I could find a 6502 disassembler and try to
figure out how
the code works so that it could be patched to work in ROMS inside the
case. Anyone want to recommend a good 6502 disassembler?
Well, I wrote a disassembler which is specifically designed for humans
to pick apart code and figure out what it does and/or how it does it.
While it doesn't support the 6502 per se, it does support a chip called
the G65SC802, which is a slight superset of the 6502; it also supports
the Tempest video game, which is actually two CPUs, one of them a
vanilla 6502 and the other the Atari vector graphics engine. Taking
the latter and ripping out (or just not using) the vector engine
support would leave you with a 6502 disassembler.
See ftp.rodents.montreal.qc.ca:/mouse/disas/src/ if you're interested.
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