Al Kossow wrote:
Is everything you're 'backing up'
Yes. I regularly ( == when I remember!) backup my email
by throwing it all into a zip archive and then that gets
written (along with other stuff) to CD, along with an
MD5SUM file.
I need to compress so that it all fits onto one CD; I wouldn't
normally compress stuff that I'm archiving but since I spit it
all to CD each month or so I'm hoping I won't ever lose it
all (and some of it _is_ offsite). Not that anyone will ever
care about my emails and letters ...
How do
you KNOW
it hasn't already been corrupted?
I don't. But I _will_ when I come to read it. To be honest though
I've never yet had a corrupt file read back from a CD. Either the
CD was fine or only intact files could be read back (intact ==
the zip archive tested OK). The reason I always throw an MD5SUM
file onto the CD is so that I can test it immediately on a different
drive. I think almost all of my hadnful of early "dead" CDs were
stillborn rather than cases of infant mortality.
I don't know whether Blu-Ray (or HD-DVD, or whatever takes off next)
will be any more reliable than DVD (or CD) but at least I'll be able
to consolidate all of my existing data onto a handful of disks, so
having multiple copies of stuff in different places will be much
less painful. Although I remember thinking much the same about
CD-R ("650MB? Noone will ever need that much storage ...")
My main worry is that there will be NO successor to Blu-Ray/HD-DVD.
If the entertainment industry decides to go for streamed content,
then will the comuter industry be willing to fund the next generation
format? What will we all do then?