Well, I've certainly learned a valuable lesson; now that I know that,
if I ever spend as much time as Dave has developing something
useful for the CC community, I will actually cause harm unless I
release the source code (whether I think it's ready for prime time or not),
I'll certainly keep it to myself.
By this "logic" every company or individual that releases a piece of
software without source code is causing harm by keeping someone
else from writing their own version. Perhaps it's time for a class-action
law suit or two...
Whoever was writing the other archiver was certainly free to use Dave's
well-documented format or, if he/she really had a better idea, implementing
it and presenting that to the community, with source of course.
Also, the person with that pile of "hard-to-find disks" is free to use any other
tool they like in whatever format they choose; if they choose not to because
they don't have Dave's source, that's hardly Dave's fault.
Then again, blaming someone else for your own choices seems to be pretty
popular these days.
It's unfortunate, but I don't blame Dave one bit. We do this sort of thing in
to help other people and when we get more criticism (often unjustified)
than appreciation, it really isn't worth our while; I don't think he's
B&Ming, he's
just saying hey, if you don't like it, by all means do it yourself; I don't need
I've said it before: every time we discourage someone with the self-important
opinionating, criticism, sarcasm, OT rambling etc. that seems to be so common
on some computer lists, our community loses a potentially valuable resource.
I just hope there's some way without too much effort to salvage the archiving
that Jim (and others?) have done.
<Shaking head & rolling eyes...>
----------------Original Message----------------
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 23:43:39 -0500 (EST)
From: der Mouse <mouse at Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
Subject: Re: ImageDisk project is canceled
And not a word about how lovely and mature Dave is to take his marbles
and go home in a snit - reneging on his earlier statement (I'd even say
"commitment") that he'd make the source available when he was no longer
able or willing to maintain it himself, I might note - because someone
points out that he's _wrong_ in thinking that no harm is done by
ivory-tower "you'll get it when I think it's good and ready"
I went back and reread the note that Dave is (apparently) reacting to:
< I am not sure you've done no harm by so doing... I know for a fact
< that at least one person was working on an open-source disk archiver,
< but has dropped that project, at least for the moment, because he
< doesn't want to create yet another incompatible file format, and
< would have wanted to see how you did things (not wasting time
< re-inventing the wheel and all that). We'd all better hope his pile
< of hard-to-find disks [...] remain[s] readable a little longer.
This hardly qualifies as bitching and moaning to me, with the
*possible* exception of the last sentence.
Of course, Dave's choice of reaction to this information is up to him.
But really, after rereading the full note I quoted from (there's a good
deal more to it, but I don't think the above is unrepresentative - I'd
call it all fair and polite criticism), and rereading Dave's reaction,
it's pretty clear to me which one is more "bitching and moaning".
Yes, I too hope Dave reconsiders. But I don't think stifling fair
criticism - and that's what I think it was - because its target reacts
badly to it is ever a good idea.
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