I do a lot
of consulting work, always have. I'm really bad about
billing though. I just can't bill someone for just talking, even if
I'm explaining things to a client. I know I should, but I have a
really hard time with it.
I hae diffiuclty chargeing for anything :-(. Last time it was a complete
mechanical rebuild (printer nad card reader) of an HP9810 calculator.
Well, the owner is a friend, and he did supply the most expensive stuff I
needed (3M COld Shrink) so I couldn't charge him, could I? Even if I did
have to turn a new roller for the card reader. make a new spindle, etc.
Brass rod and setscrews are not that expensive...
I tend not to charge friends. I *do* charge cow-orkers though. And I
certainly charge people who hear about me through word-of-mouth.
Peace... Sridhar