> How many of today's "glue black
boxes together" programmers would
> even KNOW when it's appropriate, though? That's the scary part.
On Sat, 22 Oct 2011, Tony Duell wrote:
Oh, approximately the same number as the number
of 'glue FPGAs and
Microcontrollers together' hardware 'designers' who can calculate LED
current limiting resistors.
to 24 bits of accuracy?
Unfortuantely _yes_ !. These are the sort of people who say 'There are no
382.73 ohm resistors in the box, and I can't find them in any catalogue'.
When you ask what they want them for, it turns out that's the value they
calcuated using (V_supply - V_f)/I_Led using data sheet typical values of
V_f (LED forward voltate) and I_Led (LED current) for the nominal supply
voltaget hey're using. And they don't believe you when you tell them to
stick in the first 390 Ohm resistor they find.