I've used a megger to test HV lines powering photomultiplier tubes.
I am suprised they;'re a high enough voltage for that, I seem to remeber
using about 3.5kV to 5kV to power a PM tube, so you'd want ot megger it
at at least that (HV leaks are nsty thigns that tend not to appear until
you get close to the working votlage. This is, of ocurse, Murphy's Law...)
Never used one with classic computer gear (yet).
Well, obviously you dont; use them anywhwere near the logic (unless you
work on vlaved machines :-)). But I do chekc the isulatuion fo mains
transfiormers, fans, etc with one. It's better to find the leak.breakdown
that way than by having the mains ps thotuh you (or worse, the logic boards!)