For a while I have collected bits of legacy CAD, most recently Martin Hepperle sent me
what I believe is the last version of Hank Christianson's MOVIE.BYU, a FORTRAN based
3D modeling and animation system.
I also have experimented with the original Berkley SPICE, also written in FORTRAN.
This weekend, I am reading "the Engineering Design Revolution", a 650 page
history of the CAD industry by David Weisberg, who was there and worked for many of the
companies in the beginning of the industry, I highly recommend this for anyone interested
in CAD:<>
The Engineering Design
The Engineering Design Revolution. The People, Companies and Computer Systems That Changed
Forever the Practice of Engineering. By. David E. Weisberg
My question is, did any of the source code for these systems, Applicon, Auto-Trol, Calma,
ComputerVision, thousands of lines of primarily FORTRAN ever make it out, where we could
read and study this original body of mathematical geometry done on computers?
I know we are primarily a hardware group here, but where is the interest in the software