At 20:02 -0500 4/14/07, ard wrote:
It puzzles me too. The connector in question is a
normal, double-sided 25
pin (per side) 0.156" pitch edge connector. That's actually not a common
size in the UK (0.156" pitch is not normally used over here), so it's
probably somebody 'borrowed' it becuase it was the easiest way to get
that sort of connector.
Is there any chance that the connector was removed because it was
causing some sort of mechanical interference or stress on the board?
Just guessing wildly, but maybe, if it was otherwise
I cna't see how...
The I/O backplane is a little board, about 5" square. It contains 4 edge
connectors only (no other componets, not even decoupling capacitors), and
has edge fingers along the bottom edge that fit into a simialr connector
on the main backplane (the large PCB, also jsut connectors, that's flat
in the vottom of the machine).
In this cae, somebody careffully desoldered the second-from-top connector
on the backoplane. I assume they needed the connector for soemthing --
otherwiswe qwhy not just whip out the complete I/O backplane if it was
causing problems (the machine will run without it).
I suppose a previous owner might have had a Peripheral Control ROM and
used interfaces with this machine (and this was later separated from the
machine), and that one connector on the I/O backplane might have become
damaged and, say, been shorting a couple of lines together so it had to
be removeed
I guess I'll never know (and I don't really need to know -- I just need
to get the replacement connector and solder it in).