On Dec 17, 2007 6:47 PM, Dave Dunfield <dave06a at dunfield.com> wrote:
As far as I know there are no **STANDARD** PC text video modes that give
132 columns.
There's certainly no such mode on the MDA/CGA/EGA/VGA cards as used in the
PC and PS/2.Yes, at 720 dots, you can do a 5 point wide font for 132 columns
on a Herc.,
Does anyone know if any of the more modern (ie: VGA)
cards support
132 column text modes?
I think this is a "maybe". At [
http://www.columbia.edu/~em36/wpdos/textmode.html ], there's a link to a
program that scans for a series of 132-column VESA text modes. It couldn't
find any on the laptop I tried it on (no surprise), but apparently there are
a number of NVIDIA cards that support these modes. I don't know what how
the layout compares to the character/attribute pairs for 80-column modes,
but here's the Pascal code they use to try entering the modes:
VAR ok : Boolean;
Reg : Registers;
i : Word;
i := 0;
IF ParamStr (1) = '132x60' THEN i := 268;
IF ParamStr (1) = '132x50' THEN i := 267;
IF ParamStr (1) = '132x43' THEN i := 266;
IF ParamStr (1) = '132x25' THEN i := 265;
IF ParamStr (1) = '080x60' THEN i := 264;
Reg.ax := $4F02; Reg.bx := i;
Intr (16, Reg); {VesaTextmodus einschalten}
ok := (Reg.ah = 0);
Reg.ax := $0003;
IF ok THEN Intr (16, Reg) {auf 80x25 zur?ckschalten}
ELSE Halt (1);