"Zane H. Healy" wrote:
IIRC, the general rule of thumb is:
8086 -- 68000
80286 -- 68020
80386 -- 68030
80486 -- 68040
Okay that is what I thought, but I figured I'd ask anyway. Sometimes
things aren't as simple as they look, and sometimes they are :-)
Very little. While it's still a good system, you
really need old copies of
software. I've got an SE/30 that's got MS Word 5.1 on it, and it makes a
great word processor. Far better than Windows could do on a simular system.
I'll probably have to negotiate then. They seem to wan to sell complete
systems for too much. I guess they look more impressive, so they must
be worth more :-)
Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA