On Dec 15, 2008, at 1:36 PM, Chris M wrote:
That machine
sounds like a great deal of fun. It's a
shame there aren't more of them out there.
There would be if some reverse engineered the asics. Or developed
a generic Canon Cat board. Maybe those roms (or the forth portion
anyway) would work in any 68k system.
My IBM System 23/Datamaster has a built in FORTH interpreter.
Haven't had time to experiment. Anyone have experience w/that?
No, I didn't know it had a Forth, I thought the System 23 had
BASIC in ROM. Neat!
What benefits does having FORTH in rom have over
BASIC? Or a ml
Hmm, what benefits...Howabout "Forth is less ugly than
BASIC"? ;) [dave ducks]
Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL