Oops, forgot two mor important informations. For the Transfer-Hitlist,
before writing your worn stuff, there are two more levels:
3.1 Use Kermit on both sides ... still the best all across communications
solution of all times.
3.2 Use your favoured terminal programm on the A2 and Hyperterm on the PC
Side. Classic 300 Baud will always work, but I've heard about some
experience, that even speeds up to 19,2 shpould be possible - but
200 is way more classic ...
Hardwarewise, I forgot to mention that the Apple IIe Card for all LC-Type
Macs (where virtual memory is possible) not only brings soome tools for
Mac-OS, but also allows (via a Y-cable) to attach original A2 drives,
includeing the Platinum 5.25 Drive.
VCF Europa 7.0 am 29/30.April und 01.Mai 2006 in Muenchen