On May 27, 2016, at 9:46 AM, Swift Griggs
<swiftgriggs at gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, 27 May 2016, Guy Sotomayor Jr wrote:
There was a political fight within IBM and the
Unix center of competency
moved from Boca Raton, FL to Austin, TX. All of the Series/1 Unix
materials were destroyed at that point (it was a *nasty* fight).
That sounds very much like IBM. I was there for @ four years (from 2000
to the end of 2003). When people ask me about it, I tell them "IBM is
300,000 employees. That's like a large city. In a city you have a nice
part of town (Watson) where people can more or less follow their dreams
and make all kinds of neat/crazy stuff. Then there is the slums (IBM GS)
where folks are treated like crap and act like animals."
Man, they destroyed the materials.... daaaamn. That's some hatin?
I was at IBM from 1979 through 1997. Started in Boca Raton and
finished up in Austin.
There was a lot of politics going on the entire time I was there. One of the
reasons that I left was that the project that I helped start (and worked on for
5+ years) was cancelled because a director got himself into trouble with OS/2
(when was it *not* in trouble) and decided that the folks who were working on
the project I was on (who were considered the ?stars? of the division) would be
better applied to OS/2 (we cancelled SW that customers had already paid for).
I don?t think any of us who were ?drafted? into OS/2 stayed more than a year
after that.
TTFN - Guy