Jeff@ubertechnoid wrote
Nope. This winged, rocket-propelled, and tv-guided
bomb sank an Italian
battleship late in the war. The British called it the 'Chase me Charlie'
bomb. It was pretty effective when used by a trained crew. It was guided
from the launching aircraft by an operator with a joystick.
Thanks Jeff, it's a while since I read the Wireless World article on the
me Charlie" bomb and I think your're right about the sinking of an Italian
I know it's off topic, but it's quite a feat of engineering stuffing tubes
(valves) into
shells or bombs. I'm still curious as to how the RF proximity fuses worked.
Missile guidance computers are probably a valid topic for discussion on
Anybody read Jack Volders paper on the Cordic algorithm ? A true classic.
BTW would a "classic algorithm" thread be a valid topic for classiccmp ?
It would make a good read and it would be educational too.