>I heard
the same story when I did an internship at Apple in summer '89.
>The way I heard it, the Mac BASIC actually got as far as field test
strong-armed Apple into suppressing it and leaving the BASIC market
to M$.
I more or less agree, except I still have MS Qbasic for the mac, and I
believe that was the product MS threatened with, and still dropped once
Apple basic was dead.
If you want to, I'd guess you can find a predatory practice under every
leaf. Do you really suppose that's what this was? Seeing the BASIC go by
the wayside doesn't make me terribly sad, but I've not seen the Apple/Mac
cut at the task. Was it any good?
I was speaking in reference only to MicroSoft QuickBasic, and quite a few
people were more than miffed when MS pulled the plug on it since the
applications they wrote depended on a runtime module from MS. And yes I
think MS did it to poke Apple in the eye.