On Sun, 10 Dec 2006 11:44:24 -0500, "Ram Meenakshisundaram"
<RMeenaks at olf.com> wrote:
How early?? I am specifically looking for any TI C40
and Motorola
9600 DSP stuff...
"9000 VAX" <vax9000 at gmail.com>
I am wondering whether any member of this mailing list is
interested in
early DSP chips?
I have a developement sdk for the Intel 2920 chip.
I've played with it a little.
I'm presently attempting to play with a Loughborough Sound Images PCI/
C44S board that has 4 'C44s on it. If my old employer falls into the
season's hype^H^H^H^Hspirit I might be be gifted with the TI
compiler and a distributed OS. I programmed a system with 17 'C40s a
while back and do like the beast. However, I'm still looking for info
on this particular board - any info would be appreciated.
Recently came across my original 'C20 development kit and lit it up
for giggles and grins :=))