It was thus said that the Great Golemancd(a) once stated:
can anyone tell me if they can see the bug in this boot sector.
i cant seem to get it to work.
.model tiny
option segment:use16
cseg segment para public 'code'
mov ax,4000h
mov ds,ax
mov bx,0h
mov bp,0300h ;setup far pointer
mov word ptr ds:[bp],bx ;move from 0000:7c00 to 07c0:0000
mov bx,7c0h
mov word ptr ds:[bp]+2,bx
jmp dword ptr ds:[bp]
Why are you doing this? Usually, most people physically move the code
somewhere else and then jump there, not just change the segment/offset
address to a physical equivilent.
Also, you are getting into an infinite loop. The ``jump'' from 0000:7c00
(07c00) to 07c0:0000 (07c00) is taking you back to the start of the boot
;start of my code
Which is never executed.
-spc (Hope this helps ... )