On 03/29/2015 12:22 PM, Dave wrote:
I thought my latest little retrocomputing project
might beof
interest. A few weeks ago, our accounting department trashed some
oldequipment that had been in a closet sine the 70?s. Because it was
all fully depreciated long ago, the stuff wasup for grabs. Most of
it was junk,but they did have 5 HP 9100B calculators that seemed to
be in pretty goodphysical shape. These are from the1960?s, and are
pretty huge for a calculator, by today?s standards. I tried them
all, and they all seemedto have some pretty weird behavior. When you
hit the ?+? key, it doesn?t wait for another number, butinstead adds
the last row directly to the second row. I suppose that?s why these
have been out of commission allthese years. View image: Strange
calculator behavior
We got it--it's a joke. Save it for tomorrow.