-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Snyder [mailto:ddsnyder at
Sent: 31 January 2010 17:43
To: General Discussion: On-Topic Posts Only
Cc: robert.jarratt at
Subject: Re: HP Connect Membership for Hobbyist VMS Licence
From a posting in c.o.v. -
DECUServe is now an official Hobbyist Chapter, and DECUServe
subscribers now
have OpenVMS Hobbyist benefits.
DECUServe provides a friendly platform, primarily using the DEC Notes
conferencing system, but also providing a full OpenVMS account.
If you don't already have an account on DECUServe (aka Encompasserve
Eisner.DECUS.org) -- registration is free. To register for DECUServe,
Telnet to
decuserve.org (or
eisner.decus.org), use username
and follow the simple instructions. We do appreciate it if you supply
information - and we don't share that information.
You will need your "DECUServe Number" to request Hobbyist licenses.
You are
told that number during the DECUServe registration process (please
write it
down). Or...
To check your DECUServe registration details needed to request Hobbyist
Licenses, you can just type $ HOBBYIST.
DECUServe transmits membership information to the Hobbyist Program
weekly. If you have recently registered on DECUServe, please allow
time for
that transfer and for loading into the Hobbyist database.
Thanks. Someone else reminded me of the same thing. I had forgotten about
this and I am in fact already registered on DECUServe, although to be honest
I am not active there. I will let my Encompass/Connect membership lapse and
stick to DECUServe.