Sadly I am a bit of a plotter nut. I have an HDS 681,
HP7475A, Roland
As am I. I'd actually quite liek a 7550 (there's a 68000 processor in
them IIRC), but I am not paying $2000 + shipping for one :-)
I even have an HP7470 opt 003 -- the HPIL pone, and the HP41 ROM module
to drive it. No it's not up for grabs!
The HP9125 plotter is fun too. It conencts to the HP9100 expansion
conenctor, it grabes the data from the X and Y regiaters and uses that s
the cooridiantes. Inside it's not as complciated as you might think,
given it's all discrete transistors. There are 4 boards of logic to
interface to the strange 9100 signals (mostly flip-flops and diode
gates), 2 DAC boards (3-and-a-bit decades, these things habve over 90
transistos on them), and then essentially an analogue XY plotter
conencted to the outputs of the DACs.
DPX-3300, Roland DXY-880A. I would really like an
analogue XY chart recorder
to connect to my home-built analogue computer and whilst they are common in
The do exist in the UK. I haev 2 of them (again, I am keeping them). One
is a Houston Instruments, the other a Bryans. Both are (mostly) valved.
Making one would be quite a fun project if you have a reasoanble
mechancial workshop, actually. The Houston doesn't have any really odd
bits. The slidewires are actually multi-turn pots coupled to the drive
cables for the 2 axes, which might simplify things.