And this, folks, is why the *number* *one* rule for museums is to OWN YOUR LAND.
I have been interested, and been intimate parts of, quite a few
independent museums (computer and otherwise), and I have observed that
having to deal with a landlord is the number one pain in the ass for
people like us.
I can think of a dozen museums that have been, for more or less,
kicked out of their previously "safe" havens, simple due to a change
in the political weather. I can think of more that are in blissfully
unaware danger. And I can guess there are ten times as many that I can
not bring to the top of my head. Landlords change, as do local and
state governments, as well as managers and CEOs - and all of this may
be completely uncontrollable by the best intentions of the independent
museum people. The whole idea of museums is "forever" - but land
ownership very rare is. Think about that.
My advice to TNMOC? Go independent. Completely independent.
On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 2:57 AM, Dave Wade <dave.g4ugm at> wrote: