Hi. I'm
not sure if it's ten years old yet, but here goes. I was
wondering if it were possible to upgrade my Macintosh Quadra 800 to 68060?
What are my options? I really don't want to go PowerPC.
First, there were no
68060 Macs(they went PPC after the 040), and as
best as I can remember, there were no 060 upgrades and if there were
I doubt that MacOS would support it. I think an 040 would be just
fine... But why don't you want to go to PPC? The only upgrades I can
think of are PPC 601 and fast(like maybe 50MHz) 68040s. Might be able
to find those upgrade cards on eBay or the Mac newsgroups.
You could OTOH run an Amiga Mac emulator. Those run natively on a 68060. =)
En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
"Wer nichts zu sagen hat, sagt es auf Englisch."
(-Walter Kr?mer, bez?gl. Anglizismen.)