On 15/05/2016 22:11, Josh Dersch wrote:
On 5/15/16 10:30 AM, Al Kossow wrote:
> looks like an AT keyboard and Logitech
(serial?) mouse
You're right, that does look like your
standard AT keyboard and Logitech
mouse. I tried an AT keyboard just a couple of minutes back and it's
close, but it doesn't work properly. The keyboard LEDs cycle while the
2030's running its (very lengthy) diagnostics but once I get to a
prompt, I get gibberish from it -- looks like the keyboard scancodes are
completely different. (Just for fun I tried an XT keyboard and that
doesn't work at all...)
If it's that close that it's safe to connect to a PC, you could
determine the scancodes by running "showkey -s" under linux. It might
be something like "Set 3" which is what SGIs used to use (and
documented in their manpages).
And I found a page somewhere (sorry, forgot where) that mentioned
using a Logitech Trackman on a RC2030 which worked "99% of the time"
so a fairly common mouse might work. Most of the Logitech mice I've
seen like the one in the picture Al found, were quadrature mice (X+,
X-, Y+, Y- and 2/3 button signals) but presumably there were serial
mice in that style too.
Thanks for the info, I'll see if I can track down a compatible mouse.
And scratch what I said about the keyboard -- recalling that there are
"standards" and then there are "standards" I grabbed a different AT
keyboard from the shelf and tried it, just in case. And it works
perfectly. So, it's a "standard" AT keyboard, but be careful which one
you choose :).
Thanks again,