----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony Duell" <ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk>
To: <cctalk at classiccmp.org>
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 3:22 PM
Subject: Re: CRT's vs. LCD - (Was: Re: boosting CRT heater voltage)
I wonder if the problem isn't the LCD itself, but
some characteristic of
the backlight,
Some people are sensitive to flicker, and most LCD monitors, from what I
understand, are backlit by fluorescent light, which does have a flicker. In
particular, people who are prone to migraine headaches often find that
flickering can induce or worsen headaches. (Fluorescent lights don't bother
me, but rapidly flashing lights as seen in occasional movies can drive me
nuts, and even looking at paint test patterns on a highway as I drive by can
be very bothersome. I don't get headaches from them, but it is very
uncomfortable to look at these things.)
Of course, the refresh rate of CRT monitors can be an issue too, but if it's
high enough, it might no longer be detectable to a person.